BP/RP spectra

This page collects some information useful to learn how to use the Gaia BP/RP spectra

General recommendations:

Papers to read:


How to download BP/RP data:

In Gaia catalogue webpage, go to the ADQL search and select those sources in gaiasource table with has_xp_continuous='True'. When the list of source_id is retrieved in a table, go to the Datalink icon and select to download the "XP mean continuous spectra". We recommend to download only the continuous spectra, not the sampled one. Not all sources have the sampled mean spectra, only few. From the continuous spectra you can derive the sampled spectra (for example using GaiaXPy tool).


How to use GaiaXPy (SPANISH):

GaiaXPy is a Python code able to transform the BP/RP coefficients into sampled internal or external spectra and to generate synthetic photometry from the spectra. Nevertheless, we always recommend to directly use the coefficients for scientific quantitative purposes and use this tool only for illustration.

Hands on session for the use of BP/RP spectra (Madrid, 20/10/2022, SPANISH)

Link to the programme of the session: https://gaia.ub.edu/twiki/do/view/RecGaia/EspectrosXP